What are the top three reasons that Americans are fed up with the government status quo?

Flip through America’s Revolt Deck and select your choices.

America has chosen it’s favorite talking head–Donald Trump. What will he take aim at next? We get to choose because we are flying Air Force One! It’s time to select our top targets. Together we give the nod to hear the words, “You’re FIRED! Take careful aim.

Get ready to play UNITY TRUMPS ALL, a crowd-sourcing game brought to you by Connected Wisdom. Begin by watching the one-minute video clip The Most Unbiased and Historically Accurate Synopsis of the 2016 Presidential Election to enter the scene and step into your role.

What are the biggest obstacles to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in America?  Why are Americans feeling so fed up? From America’s Revolt Deck, choose three top targets you want Trump to take aim at or just tell us your own list of things that need to change. These are the top three barriers to happiness that must be changed to make truly America great. Write your answers in the Comments.

America’s Revolt Deck

  1. Middle East foreign policy
  2. Concern about general social welfare
  3. Climate change
  4. Critical stance on Israel
  5. Insufficient support of Israel
  6. Israeli-Palestinian conflict
  7. Crumbling US infrastructure
  8. Out of touch with the American people
  9. Voted against the Obama legacy
  10. America is no longer #1
  11. Evil-doers are taking over the world
  12. We work for the Asians now—they make got all the best stuff
  13. Illegal immigrants are taking over the country
  14. Our American pride is in the mud
  15. Feel left behind by globalization
  16. Feel resentful of an elite political class that ignores regular Americans
  17. Anger of economic hard times
  18. Dissatisfaction over race relations
  19. High cost of health care
  20. Dismal future prospects for the common person
  21. Can’t earn a good living through hard work anymore
  22. Anger at the opposing political party
  23. American has lost its religious heritage
  24. American is losing its cultural heritage
  25. Unemployment rates in America
  26. Unavailability of benefits or loss of benefits on the job
  27. Fall in the standard of living
  28. Loss of quality of life in America
  29. Falling median income
  30. Falling wages
  31. Unequal distribution of wealth in America
  32. Corporate privilege as the worker’s expense
  33. Record numbers of Americans on Food Stamps
  34. High cost of college education in America
  35. Student loan debt
  36. Rising homelessness in American cities
  37. 20% of American children in poverty
  38. America’s becoming a renter nation
  39. Homeownership is out of reach
  40. Foreclosures on home loans
  41. Inequality is worst in the industrialized world
  42. America’s best at creating super rich people at the expense of everyone else
  43. More babies die the day they are born in the US than in any industrialized country
  44. Who hasn’t heard about the cost of prescription drugs in the US compared to other countries
  45. US spends more on health care than any country in the world
  46. We incarcerate more of our population that any country in the world
  47. We export more weapons than any country in the world
  48. We spend more on our military than any country in the world
  49. Poor educational system
  50. We don’t guarantee worker paid sick days
  51. We’re the only advanced country that doesn’t require companies to give their workers paid vacations
  52. No paid maternity leave for mothers of newborns
  53. Sexual misconduct of government leaders
  54. Shrinking incomes
  55. Diminishing lifespans
  56. Worry about children’s future
  57. Illegal immigrants
  58. Muslim refugees
  59. Equal opportunity for women
  60. Cultural arrogance of those in power
  61. Feel betrayed by government
  62. “Progressive” cultural elite
  63. Income disparity in America
  64. Lack of opportunity for children
  65. Shrinking Middle Class
  66. High cost of living
  67. Unfair tax laws
  68. Police brutality
  69. Police militarization
  70. Government spying on citizens
  71. Unfair advantage to corporations
  72. Low minimum wage
  73. Violence
  74. Crime
  75. Cost of prescription drugs
  76. Harsh drug laws
  77. High infant mortality rates

Watch the clip and play UNITY TRUMPS ALL! It’s Connected Wisdom